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Dalbergia Sissoo Leaves Powder | Shisham Leaves Powder | Shinshapa

Dalbergia Sissoo Leaves Powder | Shisham Leaves Powder | Shinshapa

₹ 236 ₹ 539




Good for: stomach, liver and blood. 
For treating: obesity, vitiligo, fever, wounds, ulcers, intestinal parasites and Strangury. 
Improves: sperm counts & skin complexion. 
Used as: an anthelmintic, antipyretic, aphrodisiac, and expectorant.


9 products available




Ingredients: Dalbergia Sissoo (Shisham) Leaves Powder.

Dalbergia Sissoo Shisham Leaves Powder Sidhara Betta Herbals

Dalbergia sissoo (also known as Shisham), is a species of deciduous flowering tree which is used medicinally and found in the Indian subcontinent, China, and other countries of Asia. It is has high medicinal value, as its leaves and bark contain various compounds that are beneficial to one’s health. In particular, its leaves are highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine, as they can be used to make healing powders with a number of health benefits. Herbal powders made from the leaves of Dalbergia sissoo have been used in the traditional system of medicine for centuries to treat a variety of diseases and ailments.

Now, Sidhara Betta Herbals has come up with their own version of Dalbergia So leaf powder in great quality. Sourced from Sidhara Betta, NON-GMO Dalbergia Sissoo leaves, it is beneficial for overall health and is an excellent source of natural vitamins and minerals that help promote wellness. This powder is free from artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives.

Benefits of Dalbergia Sissoo leaf powder

Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder is rich in essential substances like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and also has various flavonoids and saponins. It is also known to be a good source of natural antioxidants, which can help in protecting against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. Here are some of the amazing benefits of Sidhara Betta Herbals' Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder:

Boosts Immune System

Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder is known to improve the functioning of the immune system and help in warding off infections and diseases. It contains natural substances that help reduce inflammation and stimulate immune system activity.

Promotes Digestive Health

Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder helps soothe the gut and the digestive system. It contains compounds that help support healthy digestion and prevent digestive issues, such as indigestion, bloating and constipation.

Aids in Weight Loss

Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder is known to be a natural appetite suppressant, which can help in controlling hunger and reduce the urge to overindulge. It also helps in burning excess fat and promoting a healthy weight loss.


Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder contains natural compounds that help flush out toxins from the body, aiding in the detoxification process. It helps in eliminating toxins from the digestive system and promoting liver health.

Enhances Skin Health

Dalbergia sissoo leaf powder has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, which make it effective in treating skin disorders like acne, boils, and even dryness. It helps in reducing inflammation and moisturising the skin, preventing wrinkles and fine lines.


The powdered form of Dalbergia sissoo leaves can be added to a glass of warm water and consumed. Consumption of this mixture on an empty stomach can give remarkable results in terms of overall health. To get the best out of the powder, it should be taken twice daily. It is also safe to add the powder to smoothies, salads, and even yoghurts and other cold-based desert preparations.

To sum up, Sidhara Betta Herbals' Dalbergia Sissoo leaf powder is one of the best and most effective for boosting overall health. It is completely safe for regular usage and can be added to foods and beverages for best results.

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