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Good for: Bones, liver, pancreas, and skin
For treating: Diabetes, skin disorders, digestive issues
Improves: immunity, heart health, and red blood cell production
Used as: an antioxidant, dietary fiber, and B-complex vitamins
How to use: Used as a vegetable powder for soups, dough mixer, sambar, and curry.
Good for: Liver, heart, pancreas, and hair For treating: Blood pressure and Blood fat levels Improves: Digestion, gut health Used as: Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Aging Adverse effect: no Directions to use: Cooked as leafy vegetable and hot tea
Ingredients : Kaare Chiguru - Canthium Parviflorum Tender Shoots
How to use : Tea and Leafy vegetable
Ingredients : Gambhari - Gmelina Arborea Leaves
How to use : As hot tea or cold tea
Good for Teeth, Lungs, Heart, Nervous System, Vata and Kapha related aliments
Treating Cough, Obesity, Tumors, Fistula & Blood Disorders
Improving Digestion & Urinary System Functions
Used As Blood Purifier, Diuretic, Urinary Retention, Anti-Fungal, Fat Reducer & Cleansing Body.
Ingredients Achyranthes Aspera Whole Plant
How to Use Used as tea or dough mixer with bread or chapathi.
Good for Skin & weight loss.
Improves Liver & heart health.
Treating eczema, headache, diarrhea, cough, menstrual disorders & erysipelas.
Ingredients: Cassia Tora Stem
How to use: Can be added as an ingredient while preparing Tea & Soup.
Good for : Liver, Pancreas, bones and guts For treating: Diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney disorders Improves: Digestion, heart health, hair growth Used as: Blood pressure, cholesterol, and joint pain suppressor
Ingredients: Morus Alba Leaves
Directions to use: As hot tea or cold tea, leafy vegetable powder in soups and dough mixers
Good for: Bones, pancreas, Liver, Heart For treating: Diabetes, cholesterol, and scurvy Improves: taste, bowel movement, vision, Used as: constipation and Bloating suppressor, detoxifier
Good for: Heart, stomach, lungs, guts, liver, and pancreas For treating: cold, cough, bad breath, stomach upset Improves: Digestion, oral health, bowel movement Used as: an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, mouth fresher
Good for: heart, skin, stomach, and heart Treating: treating ulcers, diarrhea, and boils Improves: muscle strength and immunity Used as: body nourishment enhancer
Good for: urinary bladder, heart, eyes, and liver Treating: strangury, inflammation, and skin diseases Improves: guts health and digestion Used as: muscle relaxer and antioxidant
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